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  • Chakra Singing Bowls brought to you by Bertie & Basil, Navel/Sacral Chakra located in the lower abdomen, genital womb. Its function is desire, sexuality, pleasure, procreation.


  • Its inner state is tears. Its colour is orange and its celestial body is the Moon. Its stone is Coral and carnelian Meditation on 1 Level.


  • Balancing this chakra is associated with sexual vitality, physical power and fertility.  Energies: Fire, Energizing changing.


  • Singing bowls are really a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound.


  • Slightly tricky to master, but with time you will be enchanted.


  • Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 5 (cm approx)

Chakra Singing Bowl - Navel

SKU: 1029-S012
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